Employer Occupational Medicine Consultant

Dr. Hollman can provide Occupational Medicine consulting services for your Company. The following Questions and Answers cover the most commonly sought services from an Occupational Medicine Consultant; however, if you don’t find what you need, please contact her office to discuss your ideas further.

We don’t have an Occupational Medicine Program. We’re not sure what that would include and need to be clear about the costs. Can Dr. Hollman help us with this?

Yes, she can. First, she would need to sit down with the correct individual(s) at the Company who could answer a series of questions that are designed to identify important elements that allow her to narrow down the correct Industry OSHA Requirements for the various types of Employee jobs as well as any Industry / State / National medical standards that would apply. Secondly, she will want to schedule time to observe Employees at their different jobs. Thirdly, she will want to look at both your Loss-Run Report and OSHA Logs for the last 3 years to understand injury / exposure patterns your Company has seen.

Once these 3 tasks have been completed she will sit down with the correct individual(s) to go over a list of Occupational Medicine Program elements recommended. She will make sure you know which are fundamental and required for your Industry and which can be added at a later date. That presentation will include time for discussion. Price structure will be provided for the different services if you choose to use Working on Wellness LLC for any of those elements.

We need someone to look into why we are seeing a cluster of Employees with similar reported symptoms or injuries. What can she do to help?

First, she will need to watch the affected Employees at their jobs. She will need to see their written Position Descriptions if those are available. She will research any equipment and any known substance encountered in the performance of their job. If needed, she will then want to read any available and related Work Comp Claim medical records (after written consents by the involved Employees are obtained). Following these tasks she can then discuss – with the correct Company representatives – any conclusions and / or recommendations she may have to minimize or eliminate repeat incidents. If needed, she can bring in professionals with unique expertise to help (e.g., an Industrial Hygienist).

We would like to have a Company Medical Director that can function in several capacities. For example, we want someone who can: 1) give interactive talks on various Health and Wellness subjects to our Employees; 2) sit in on Safety Meetings and / or Quarterly Reviews of prolonged Workers’ Compensation Claim cases; 3) help with Reasonable Accommodation Determinations for Applicants or Employees with specific medical conditions or physical impairments (ADA-covered conditions); 4) arrange for Work Fitness Evaluations for Employees that have been out from work (for a specified duration) due to personal medical conditions; and 5) create written Medical Standards for Job Positions.

Dr. Hollman has performed these duties for small and larger businesses as well as specific groups. After discussion of the Company’s needs [short-term or long-term] she could then provide a proposal that outlines expectations and costs.